At the 50th Reunion the assembled classmates remembered classmates who are no longer with us in a Memorial Ceremony with photos of each. A golden mum emblazoned with a purple “L” were placed in vases as the name of each classmate was read aloud.

In addition to classmates pictured below, we morn the loss of Bill Krause, George McCallum and Vickie Stanaway.
- Tim Armstrong
- Steve Arnold
- Ed Bangeman
- Rick Barnhart
- Pam Barton
- Dennis Borton
- Dave Burnett
- Karyl Card
- Claude Christanson
- Bob Clifford
- Bill Crane
- Linda DeBlois
- Lynn Elberg
- Bob Enser
- Norma Weaver Everett
- Richard Faling
- Betty Fauver
- George Frost
- Earl Gephart
- Tom Gilbert
- Rick Gottschalk
- Kenneth Grimes
- Wally Hamilton
- Larry Harrington
- Barbara Heinzerling
- Carol Hendricksen
- Patty Herring
- Wayne Hiblen
- Suzanne Hickman
- Diane Hollenbeck
- Claudia Hosford Armstrong
- Bob Howard
- Kenneth Howell
- Jeffery Hume
- Linda Jackson
- Karen Jacobs
- Josie Jenkins
- Susan Jennings
- Kenneth Jones
- Wayne King
- Larry Kirby
- Thomas Klaus
- Joe Konen
- Kay Kostal
- Joe Lawrence
- Robert (Sonny) Mael
- Marsha Mann
- Janice Mannsfiled
- Tom Matton
- Katy McCarthy
- Jean McClendon
- Larry McIntyre
- Alan Meisner
- Steven Meshishnek
- Loren Messenger
- Ralph Nichols
- Linda Golden Nicholson
- John Nordby
- Ron Oxford
- Donna Phillips
- Jim Phillips
- Frank Pollock
- David Ray
- Ann Raymond
- Ken Raymond
- Randy Rice
- Gordon Roeder
- Pete Rossiter
- Tom Ruckman
- Janet Sanders
- Vickie Lee Schoenecke Lance
- Bob Shaffer
- John Sipes
- Dave Smith
- Harold Smith
- John Snider
- Kris Sprague
- Owen Squires
- Clayton Staley
- Vernon Stenerson
- Sue Storey
- Larry Stratton
- Dorothea Taylor
- Shirley Trumbly
- Gary Tumelson
- Lee Tusburg
- John Tyler
- Bob Vanover
- Mike Weldon
- Richard Welker
- Lonna Whipple
- Linda Whitesel
- Richard Wiggins
- Bonnie Wiggin
- Charles Williams
- Julie Williams
- Don Wolf
- Richard Woolsey
- Linda Wormell